Jungle Trekking

The most popular type of trek in Ketambe is for 2-3 days where we explore the jungle and visit hot springs, beautiful rivers and waterfalls.

Click here for more detailed information about the 2-3 day trek.


We also offer a range of other treks, if you are interested in a different adventure please contact me and we will try to help.

  1. 3 or 5 days trekking to uniek camp.
  2. Trekking to Bukit Lawang 6 days.
  3. Trekking to marpunge lake 6 days
  4. Climbing Mount bendahara 3012 m. 12 days
  5. Climbing Mount Leuser 3404 m 15 days
  6. Climbing Mount Kemiri 3315 m 6 days
  7. Climbing Mount Kappi and Belerang 2270 m 8 days.
  8. Rafting 1 to 4 days.


Jungle trekking 1 days to 5 days 

 Hike to uniek camp

Are you looking for a memorable jungle experience of a lifetime? We are very willing to help you.

Forest tourism in the wild with terrain that can change at any time and road routes without a map. The most important thing is to choose a reliable and experienced guide so that you can explore the outdoors comfortably and satisfactorily.

The guide will take you through a footpath or sometimes make another way to find spots of wild animals such as orangutans, Thomas’s langurs, gibbons, long-tailed monkeys, monkeys, hornbills, wild boar, birds, sarudung (white-handed gibbons) snakes and other wild animals.

You have the opportunity to observe wild animals in their natural habitat eating, resting, playing and sleeping. You can see them climbing or swinging for food and observe how orangutans build their nests.

We will take you to beautiful, amazing and fun places, we have rivers, waterfalls, even the famous site of Ketambe, a natural hot spring.

Then we go through valleys and hikes through the forest to explore deeper into the forest to locate wildlife in different places and see giant trees, hollow trees, other unique trees and medicinal plants.

We will spend the night in a forest far from the river, there are only a few sources of water sufficient for cooking etc. This camp was far from the other groups.

The price for jungle trekking will be adjusted according to the length of time spent exploring and the difficulty level of the jungle adventure. The trekking fee has been agreed and determined with all forest tourism agents in Ketambe.



Jungle trekking 6 days to 8 days

Hike to Marpunge lake or Kappi mountain

The remaining flat forest in the highlands of Sumatra is the Kappi forest. which is 2270 meters high. in the Gunung Leuser National Park.

This forest is the habitat of various wild animals such as rhinos, elephants, tigers, orangutans, ajag, sambar deer, clouded leopards, sun bears, giant squirrels, wild boars and other wild animals. because there are many mineral resources, plants and other food sources available.

This rain forest has a moderate temperature with a clear river flow. In this river we can catch fish. While in this virgin forest we will be greeted by the sound of birds, gibbons, hornbills, peacocks, white-handed gibbons, cicadas and partridges their voices fill the air. Then we take you to a place where there are sulfur volcanic rocks with yellow pools.

When exploring the forest at that location we are not too noisy so we can find various types of wild animals. Because the forest is very deep, the animals are afraid to meet humans because this place is rarely entered by people.

On the other side of this area there is a rare flower which is the largest in the world (Raflesia Arnoldii) because of its short lifespan and the blooming period of 5 or 6 days then rots and dies. To grow back takes a long time. This forest is decorated with giant trees, umbrella trees, hollow trees and other super fantastic trees.

There is also a mysterious lake in the middle of the wilderness called the “three-sided Marpunge” lake. Not far from the location of the lake, there is also a 4 hectare stretch of sand. If we only go to the lake we only need 6 days of travel.

Trekking to our kappi or lake areas charges a higher price than regular jungle tours. Because the journey is long and the cruising terrain is enough to test adrenaline, therefore we are required to have additional porters that we take from local residents.

On a jungle adventure with us! The Ketambe Sumatra jungle tours team always works hard and tries with all their heart. To make your jungle experience satisfying and memorable for a lifetime. Therefore, if you are interested in something you like don’t hesitate to let the guide know.

    Night Trekking

If interested do a special jungle trip!

The Sumatra Ketambe forest tour team offers night trekking to explore the forest, to see and observe animals. There are certain wild animals that are active at night such as slow lorises, snakes and other animals! Because at night this animal will come out of hiding to find food. 

Animal sounds like frogs, cicadas, birds and other animals make our night in the forest more extraordinary. Therefore if you are interested in adventure or forest trip at night. Can be agreed in advance and the cost will be adjusted to the level of security and duration of time.

*It’s a shame if you miss this place*

What to bring to the forest?

* Trekking shoes
* Backpack
* T-shirt / long sleeve shirt
* Trousers & shorts
* Change of clothes
* Swimsuit
* Towel
* Raincoat
* Flip-flops
* Insect repellent
* Personal medicine
* Camera
* Flashlight

